This Navratri, try this under 30- minute dessert recipe and surprise your family.

Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Total time: 25 minutes
Milk 1 litre
Apples 4 medium size
Sugar 150 grams ( or according to your taste)
Vanilla essence 2 tsp
Cashew nut (chopped) 2 tbsp
Almond (thinly sliced) 2 tbsp
Pistachios (thinly sliced) 2 tbsp
Saffron 4-5 strands (optional)
Firstly, peel the skin of the apple and grate it. Transfer the grated apple to a pan. make sure not to rest long as it oxidized and turns brown. Saute with 1 tsp ghee on medium flame.
Cook until the water is all evaporated and the apple is cooked well. Keep it aside and let it cool.
In a large pan heat the milk and add saffron. Bring it to a boil. Lower the flame and boil the milk till it reduces to 750 ml.
Then add the sugar, cashew, almonds, Pistachios, and mix well. Add in the vanilla essence and mix well. allow the milk to cool completely.
Now add cooked apple and mix well. Do make sure both apple and milk are to room temperature, else there are chances of milk to curdle.
Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes or until it's chilled.
Finally serve your chilled apple kheer garnished with some extra chopped nuts if required. is India's first zero brokerage platform, Enjoy unlimited orders in Equity delivery, Intraday, Futures and Options, Commodities, and Currency with no brokerage. Up to 5x leverage on Intraday Trading and 2.5X leverage through Margin Trading Funding. No AMC, No Demat account charges. No charge on Algo trading - Free API.